1: 1. 6 Nations in Highest Debt to China 2. Japan, the UK, and Brazil top the list 3. Debt owed to China raises concerns

2: 1. Japan's debt to China reaches $1.37 trillion 2. The UK's debt to China is over $450 billion 3. Brazil owes China over $300 billion

3: 1. India and South Korea also in debt to China 2. Italy's debt to China surpasses $100 billion 3. China's debt-trap diplomacy scrutinized

4: 1. Impact of debt on diplomatic relations 2. Debt restructuring talks ongoing 3. Nations seek alternative funding sources

5: 1. Calls for transparency in debt agreements 2. Concerns over sovereignty and influence 3. Debt repayments put strain on economies

6: 1. Debt to China raises national security concerns 2. Infrastructure projects financed by China 3. Balancing economic benefits with risks

7: 1. Debt payment delays and negotiations 2. Nations diversify debt sources 3. China's Belt and Road Initiative impact

8: 1. Debtor nations resist Chinese influence 2. Reciprocal agreements sought 3. Debt sustainability challenges addressed

9: 1. Future implications of debt to China 2. Global economic dynamics at play 3. Monitoring debt levels critical